Not A Robot
Hack Proof
Password Protection
Keylogger Proof
AvatarX Password Protection
The AvatarX system is unrivaled when it come to password protection, making good use of artificial intelligence combined with other unique security protocols. Passwords which are normally entered via a form are easy pray for hackers. There is software available that allows the user to hover over the form where the password has been converted to the ‘*’ symbol and reveal the hidden characters. Passwords can also be retrieved from the browser where a form has been used as the means of input. For convenience browsers are often used to store user names and passwords along with the site URL’s. This may seem like a good idea, but anyone accessing your machine either locally or remotely can easily gain access to this important data and do untold damage.The fact that the AvatarX system does not use forms means user names and passwords can not be stored locally by any browser in any way, this closes this security issue completely. The AvatarX system employs a method of displaying images rather than characters, these can not be hovered over and converted to reveal the hidden password. The password images are displayed in a random sequence and the code generated for each characters image is updated after each click, making almost impossible to decipher what data has been entered.
Brute force password hacking is generally performed by a program or robot of some description. The design of the AvatarX system means it can only be operated correctly by a human, anything but human interaction is easily detected by the system which makes brute force hacking by conventional methods impossible. The AvatarX system also employs other security measures to recognize when the system is under attack and automatically takes evasive action.
Login ID, Passwords and PIN numbers that are stored within the database have been hashed, so even if the database is breached, the data is impossible to decrypt.
Website Secured & Protected by AvatarX