/>Not A RobotNot A Robot
Hack ProofHack Proof
Password ProtectionPassword Protection
Keylogger ProofKeylogger Proof

Not A Robot

Fed up with Captcha's or having to click on the squares with a bus in just to prove you are human?

Even then most of the time you get some other puzzle to solve which takes another few minutes when all you wanted to do was get a contact number.

We got fed up with this too, hence the AvatarX project was created.

On a serious note, most people don't really have a clue what's going on in the background when they are clicking away trying to prove that they are indeed a human.

Clicking buttons on a webpage could be allowing all kinds of malicious bugs to enter your machine. Worse still, the latest attacks can be preformed just because you landed on a web site that contains malicious back door code embedded into the web page.

All in all it's a minefield now days out on the web. Website owners are constantly trying to keep their sites updated so they are not infiltrated by web robots or AI, Whilst the customers surfing the web have to constantly pay for virus protection, malware protection and other unnecessary suites for the security of their data and integrality of the machines they are operating.

The AvatarX project aims to take websites back to basics, using the least amount of functions possible to preform all of the interactions required to complete the requested tasks in the least amount of time in the most secure way.

Website Secured & Protected by AvatarX